Delicious Dark chocolate

I like making chocolate and it is a stress buster for me . Here I will share my recipe and few images of my chocolate

Things required:
Cocoa powder – 50 gms which is available at any department store
Powdered sugar – normal sugar powdered in mixer
Dry fruits - Almonds 10-15 or anything of your choice
Butter – 250 gms unsalted
Milk powder – 200 gms and finely powdered in mixer

Place the unsalted butter for about an hour to bring it to room temperature. Grind the coco powder, sugar and milk powder until it is smooth .

Mix the above powder with butter at room temperature adding butter slowly. You can also add a little boiled milk around 2 table spoons. If your using milk you have to consume the entire chocolate within 2 days as it will spoil.

Once you have mixed everything ensure it is still in a semi solid state and not watery. Taste the chocolate mixture and add sugar to your taste.
You can directly use finely sliced almonds but I prefer boiling them in hot water to remove the skin and for a smooth taste.

Apply butter on silicon moulds or on a plate. Add the chocolate mixture and top it with almonds.
If your using a silicon mould , sprinkle the almonds first and then add the chocolate mixture.

Cool the chocolate for about an hour in fridge.


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